A cats life…

So I haven’t been able to do anything remotely worth blogging about for a while because I have an exam next week and am trying to revise. On Saturday while I spent the entire day with my head in a psychiatry text book, Thor spent the entire day in my bed. As in head on the pillow, under the duvet.


Shoulda been a cat, not a doctor.

Welcome to my Blog!

I’ve been telling myself I am going to start a blog for literally years, and I’m excited to have finally started it!

I’m currently a medical student studying in London, and although I love medicine and the job it just doesn’t fulfill my creative side, so I am always on the look out for DIY projects and ideas, for my home, garden, pets and loved ones. As a (very) poor student, I also have to complete my projects on a very strict budget, which can be frustrating, but usually adds to the fun!

I also recently got engaged, so I am also navigating the unfamiliar waters of wedding planning, which I am finding is as fun as it is stressful! I have always said I want to enjoy the process of planning my wedding, as I am only going to do it once. There is so much to do but I’m loving gathering all the ideas I’m finding online, and all the opportunities to make bits myself and involve the ones I love in mine and my fiances big day (must remember he is involved).

So… I hope this blog will be a place for me to gather all of the random little projects that I enjoy doing, be it for my house, my our wedding, or whatever. I also want it to be a place to share experiences of my time studying medicine, being in a (sometimes) long distance relationship and living on a budget!

OK2B x